Fibreturf at Fort Augustus
Fort Augustus lies in the centre of the Scottish Highlands surrounded by magnificent scenery on the southern tip of Loch Ness. The village receives approximately half a million visitors a year. The canal lock flight is the centre piece of the village and forms a dramatic, popular and vibrant pedestrian environment. British Waterways Scotland initiated a major landscape scheme after the completion of critical engineering works.
The brief was to develop the initial landscape concept, design development and technical detail. The project sort to create a safe and attractive pedestrian environment and ensure the historical elements and integrity of the lock flight were retained and enhanced.
The design concept followed a policy of minimum intervention to reinforce the flight’s views, its historic content and wider links. This included floodlighting of the lock gates and developing temporary exhibition spaces within the village.
The concept landscape design study successfully attracted European Funding of £450,000 to implement the project. Fort Augustus won the WRA Outstanding Achievement and Design Awards for British Waterways Scotland.