Millions of minute polymer fibres homogenously dispersed gives our fibre reinforced products immense strength.

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Fibresand International’s range of products rely on the mechanical three dimensional cross linking of fibres to interlock the sand grains in place.  There are no chemical binders, and hence no concerns over leachates.

There is no curing process – this mechanical action takes place immediately the product is compacted.

The strength of the product is easily varied – loosening the surface provides a firm but giving surface for equestrian use, a lightly compacted surface is ideal for sports applications, while well compacted, higher fibre content variations can support the weight of heavy vehicle traffic. – including aircraft!

With the help of the testing facilities at Cranfield and Nottingham Universities, we have been able to demonstrate that a standard fibre-reinforced installation can easily support the weight of a fully laden Boeing 747 in emergency situations.

The mechanical nature of the binding allows our products to be extracted, modified or relocated easily, with the strength of the product being re-established as soon as the sand is re-compacted.